
The Ultimate Prom Party With Teen Vogue and Topshop

Although I'm already a prom veteran I passed by the Teen Vogue Ultimate prom party event at Topshop yesterday. Anything from getting your nails done to eating beautiful cupcakes, and listening to golden fashion/ styling talks... There was a whole funk of information to take in. I would definitely blast to the past and do over my hair/nails/dress options all over again. According to prom expert and fashion marketing editor over at Teen Vogue Mary-Kate Steinmiller, it's okay to stand out of the cliche of the whole long dress and matching heels sort of feel... I totally agree after taking in the looks she styled. "Keep in mind how you're going to wear the dress to the prom, how you're going to wear the dress after, and how you're going to wear the dress a month later." Most glorious prom words to live by...

P.S. Harley V. Newton DJ'd the event... pretty rad.

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