
The Prime Mob: Real People Doing Real Things Interview Session


It's always some sort of amazing when you come across people who have a passion and a goal towards something in life, you could say that's why I enjoy getting the opportunity to meet so many inspiring souls and getting to interview them. This week I got the one on one with the creator of the Texas based clothing brand The Prime Mob; from creating his own designs and everything in between up to screen printing his own stuff, here's a little more of the inside after the jump.

+ The Basics:
  1. Nickname: Hoover
  2. Age: 22
  3. Hometown: El Paso, Texas
  4. How would you describe your steez in three words? urban, classic, simple.
  5. What does a day consist of while creating items for Prime? Taking a few hours brainstorming ideas, whether it be sketching out ideas or just piecing together artwork on illustrator.
+ Blog Talk
  1. How did Prime come to be and what was the inspiration behind it? I've had a love for art since i can remember. Starting back in elementary school in art class.  My love for screen printing came later on in high school when i tried it firsthand at graphic design tech school.
  2. What has been the absolute best moment that you’ve experienced after creating The Prime Mob? I'd have to say.. making sales, and seeing people get stoked on my designs or products that are coming out. Seeing people get into your products is the best feeling.
  3. What is up and coming for your brand? The Fall product release on 11/12/12!
  4. What is something that most people don’t know about you? I'm a huge Taylor Swift fan and I watch the tv show Glee...go ahead, bash me.
  5. Aside from screen-printing what are your passions?  hardcore, my son Landon, my girlfriend, any type of design, hoppin' on the shred sled every now and then.
  6. Do you have any advice for screen printers or someone who also wants to create their own brand?  Start off at the bottom and learn from your mistakes. Screen printing is a lot of trial and error, it takes time to get your technique right, but once you do you're golden.  And as far as a brand goes, design what makes you happy. Don't get caught up in the hype of the whole "swag" "get money" "fuck bitches" "I don't care about anyone no fucks given bullshit" because you're setting yourself up to fail.
  7. Where do you see yourself and your brand five years from now?  Being a dad.  Working, Still screen printing, hopefully still running a clothing brand. We'll see how it turns out.

+ This & That:
  1. Currently your top 5 favorite songs this month: I'll just give you my last 5 listened songs:  1."Covet" by Basement  2. "Frown" by Title Fight 3. "Piece by Piece" by Slayer 4. "Be Yourself" by Free Spirit 5. "Hang Your Head" by Foundation
  2. Favorite color(s):  black, gray, white
  3. Who do you look up to and why (living or dead)?  My dad, because he's a total badass to me.  My sister because she's fucking smart as hell and I wish I could be like her.  And anyone who struggled without going to college to get a sweet job and support themselves.
  4. Five things you can’t live without: 1. My laptop 2. A camera of some sort 3. The great outdoors 4. Money 5. My friends (the few that remain.)
  5. Favorite local spots: EP Fitness, Great American pizza, Proper Printshop(cool ass dudes, support them), my parents house, and Jacob Calderon's house.  

Support The Prime Mob on: Instagram| Tumblr


Ksenia said...

cool blog! love it

Lucia said...

Bel post^.^